Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tithing Settlement

Don't forget to sign up for Tithing settlement. Either write your name on the list at the bishop's door or give Alfred Oliver a call (653-2567) and make an appointment. This is our opportunity to declare our tithing status. The bishop is being wonderfully patient with us. Some wards (my daughter's in So. Jordan) only offer one day, a Saturday, to get the whole ward done so we are pretty spoiled! Let's make it as easy on the bishop as we can.


In light of the recent advice from our church leaders to become involved in spreading the gospel via Internet connections, a new blog has been created. This is the Elmo Ward RS blog.
There is still lots of work to be done here but to begin with the idea is to offer a place where we can share good news, recipes and offers to help. We can find out what time that meeting or activity is going to begin, calendar new activities, and see what book is on our Elmo Book Club list. New members can see what is going on in our ward and introduce themselves to the rest of us. And, first and foremost, we will have quotes from our General Authorities, ways to get involved in family history work, and generally spread the "Good News" of the gospel.
This blog is in the building stages so there will be lots of bugs we can work out, new ideas to entertain and rules and regs to fix. Jump in and help!
Of course all posts will be moderated but we all know the rules of manners and good behavior so that shouldn't be a problem.