Tabitha was WONDERFUL about answering our survey at such a crazy, busy, season but she did and so here she is!
Tabitha's full name is Tabitha Ann Lott Kelly and here is her story. Welcome home Tabitha!
"Ryan and I rented a little home in downtown Price when we were first married, that only lasted a few months, neither of us liked it in town. We bought a home in Lawrence (where Ryan grew up and his mom and dad still live) we lived there for 7 years. When we decided to build we decided that it would be here in Elmo, so we sold our home and rented a little duplex in Huntington that was in the 1st Ward. We had been in the 5th ward and we had the best opportunity to get to know some of the most wonderful people, we knew it was temporary but still had a hard time leaving. We finally arrived here in Elmo in 2007 after many struggles with the home building process. We are so happy it is all we imagined and more.
"I grew up in Price way out of town on Stake Farm Road. My dad managed the church farm, so I grew up with lots of room to run around. I also grew up on the back of a horse and have never lost that love for all animals. When I was about 12 my parents divorced. My mom and I moved a few times around town in Price. When I was 16 my mom's husband worked for the Union Pacific Railroad and was transferred to Las Vegas, so we moved to a little town named Logandale, about 30 miles south of Mesquite and 45 or so miles north of Vegas. It was very hard to move. I think a lot of it was my age. I didn't want to leave my friends, particularly my new best friend, Ryan. But it turned out to be a wonderful experience. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. My testimony grew so much in the next couple of years. I had the best leaders between Young Women's, Seminary, and RS. I also did well in school. I did make new friends of course and brought my GPA up to a 3.9 for graduation. I also finished my senior year in one semester and worked full time until graduation.
"I mentioned that I met Ryan just about a year before I moved to Nevada. We met at my cousin's wedding reception. He was buddies with the groom. When I moved I didn't think there was any way it would work, but we couldn't even make it that first night without calling to check on one another. He traveled the 6 hour trip to see me at least once and usually twice a month. And here we are still together over ten years later. We went to Lagoon for our first official date and we got rained out so they gave us tickets to come back within a week or something but of course we couldn't being so far away. I remember being so disappointed but it was fun anyway.
"Ryan and I have 3 beautiful children. Devin R Kelly is 6. (Devin's middle initial, stands for Ryan, Ryan's dad Robert, and for my dad, Rodney. Isaac Cale Kelly is 4. (Isaac was going to be Isaac Kent like his Dad but we lost my Uncle Cale at age 33 to cancer just weeks before Isaac was born) Grace Ann Kelly is 10 months. (Ann is my grandmother's middle name, my mom's middle name, my middle name and now Grace's too.) My children are the greatest blessing from God but also my hardest work here on the earth. I am so grateful for them and pray daily that I can rear them up the way my Heavenly Father would have me do. I am so proud of them but I know I have a long ways to go.
"I was fortunate to be born in the covenant to a mom and dad who are active members of the Church. I was baptized at age 8.
"I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I used to pretend I was a secretary when I was little but when I was in college I majored in Child Psychology. After getting my two year degree I wanted to start my own family rather than a career. I realize the most important thing I will do while on this earth is raise my children.
"My only sibling is my brother who still lives in Nevada. My dad is in Elberta, Utah up near Santaquin, still working for the Church. We hope he comes back here to Elmo when he can. I am very blessed to have my Mom in Carbonville where we still don't find time to see each other as often as we probably should. Ryan's mom and dad are still in Lawrence and his two brothers are in Huntington. We were just talking about how lucky we are to be so close to so much of our family, especially at the wonderful holiday season. We hope my brother decides to come home, he's kicked the idea around for awhile now.
"My favorite movie was Titanic but I haven't watched it in years. I don't seem to find much time to read but I've enjoyed all the books I've read by Debbie Macomber. I don't have a favorite song but a few I like are, Sammy Kershaw's Love of My Life, You're Still the One by Shania Twain. I Am a Child of God was my childhood favorite and I still love The Spirit of God.
"Some may find it odd that throughout my life I have had more best friends that were animals rather than people. " Favorites? "I love pastas...lasagna and most all treats anymore, I'm not picky. By the way, my New Year's resolution is to curb that. I am very good with animals. I have ridden horses all my life, always had a dog and a cat or two. I think I just have a great deal of love for them. I know I have always had animals that would do anything for me.
"I have always wanted to hang glide but now I have turned into a sissy. I don't know if I would if I had the opportunity. I have too much at stake if something happened to me.
"When I am overloaded I like to go to the temple and feel the peace that can only be found in the House of the Lord. I also like to sleep! I think it is the stage of life I am in, with little kids I just cannot seem to get enough. For fun, I like to go horseback riding. Animals are great listeners. I like to do crafts, scrapbook, and exercise.
"I have many goals for 2009 but my most important ones are: To be more patient and loving. Lose weight (I have honestly never had that as a New Years resolution before and now it is needed more than ever, yikes! I'm blaming that third baby but we all know the truth).
I hope you made it to this point, Have a great day! Tabitha"