Friday, January 23, 2009

Getting to know Jackie Allred!

Jackie grew up in Ferron, moved to Elmo from Huntington, and her full name is Jackie Lynn Huntsman Allred. Jackie met Seth at Emery High (home of Scholars and Athletes-The Spartans) at the first dance after the football game. Jackie was a sophomore and Seth was a junior. Their first official date was to a "girls choice" dance. (Do they still call that the Sadie Hawkins' day dance? - probably not, I doubt the kids know who Sadie Hawkins is anymore.) She was born and raised LDS and they have two wonderful kids.
When asked what it was she wanted to be when she grew up she said, "I'm not exactly sure what I am now!"
Jackie's mom still lives in Ferron (and those of us lucky enough to know her love her!) Her siblings live in Heber, Sandy and Ferron. Most of Seth's family live here in Emery County except a brother who lives in Altamont.
Her favorite movie is Narnia...or maybe Tombstone. The Christmas Box series is the last book she read but doesn't have an all time favorite. And, her favorite song is I Stand All Amazed. (this girl has great taste!)
On a limitless menu Jackie would order steak, halibut or salmon with lots of fresh fruit. And, for dessert eclairs, cream pies, and lemon with anything OR Stawberries with anything! But, for comfort food Ice Cream "does wonders" for her and so does warm bread.And, her favorite clothing items are comfy jeans and warm socks.
Hey, and this girl is good with spreadsheets, only she doesn't sound like she knows how awesome that is. She'd like to visit Hawaii or Ireland and someday would like to go scuba diving.
Jackie likes to sleep when life gets too tough but if that isn't an option likes to watch a good "cry" movie with her family or READ! She has also found out that a good trip to the desert is great; "nothing helps more than to walk a ways and hear nothing at all." She is discovering that she "Didn't know how much I didn't know." (about the desert). Her whole family enjoys going out there and finding new places. In a former life she liked to cross-stitch, crochet and read. She also likes making candy, bottling and baking cookies. And, to make her laugh all she has to do is listen to Seth playing with the kids.
Her words to live by are: "Don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff." And, keeps the book by her computer.
Welcome to Elmo, Jackie. You will learn to love us; we already love YOU!

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